Sunday, April 27, 2003

Wall of Shame

My friend Mitsi e-mailed me some months ago. Her company (Procter and Gamble) in Cincinnati was having an 80's Wall of Shame contest, in which the employees were submitting pictures of themselves and others taken during the 80's. I had a digital copy of a picture of her and our friend Greg on their way to a high school dance, and she wanted to submit that one. I would post that photo, but I'm pretty sure Greg doesn't want it distributed, and I guess I'll be nice just this once. Mitsi also told me that she submitted the following photo that I was in with my brother and friends at our prom:

Well, this past week Mitsi informed me that our photo was named runner-up in the contest. Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to win since none of the people in the photo actually worked at P&G, but after hearing that the winner was a picture of a woman with big hair wearing MC Hammer pants, I knew runner-up was the best we could have hoped for. It's an honor I'll cherish for as long as I can remember, which at my age, won't be for much longer.

One final note ... the picture of Greg and Mitsi didn't win anything. In fact, Mitsi's coworkers thought she looked adorable in her big hair and polka-dot dress (that she made herself, by the way). However, they had a field day with Greg's Miami Vice suit, thin tie, and mullet. :)