Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Learning to drive on the ice

In Texas we have pretty mild winters, at least compared to the rest of the country, so we don't have to drive in icy conditions very often. That's fortunate since most of us don't do it very well. However, I learned from an expert.

My dad grew up in a northern state and had quite a bit of experience driving in bad weather. One weekend when my incredibly handsome twin brother and I were sixteen, we had to go with our dad to pick up his truck from where our older brother had left it the night before. I was going to have to drive our mom's car back while dad drove his truck. It would be my first experience driving on an icy road.

On the way, Dad was offering advice and tips on how to drive in the ice, such as: accelerate slowly, tap the brakes when slowing down, don't be in a hurry, don't make any sudden movements with the steering wheel, etc. All of it was excellent advice.

If only Dad would have listened to it himself.

During the drive Dad reached for his beer that was sitting to his right. He reached with his left hand, jerking the steering wheel in the process. The car started swerving back and forth while Dad tried to regain control. The car spun around and ended up in the ditch on the side of the road.

After coming to a stop Dad said, "See, that's why you don't do that."

And it was fortunate that both Ron and I were there, since we had to push the car out of the ditch.


Anonymous said...

I needed a good laugh! You should write for a cartoon series or something!

Anonymous said...

I remember your Mom and Dad from when I lived in Iowa Park. Anyway, your blog made me laugh with you and Ron as I'm sure you probably gave your Dad a hard time after pushing him out of the ditch. I hope all is well in Austin.

Anonymous said...

And if I remember he didn't spill a drop of beer (naturally).

Anonymous said...

He's a good man. Anyone else would have spilt beer everywhere. Shawn Finely, now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.

Anonymous said...

"See, that's why you don't do that."
Your dad cracks me up... ; )